With the uproar of Covid-19 cases in the past year, most were waiting with baited breath for the vaccine. However since their delivery in June of 2021 the vaccine has been putting some at a crossroads. Everyone is in a different situation concerning views and beliefs, which has an effect on their choice.
For some, the decision came without second thought. Get the vaccine as fast as possible. “For me, it was easy. I saw people struggling and being harmed by this disease and knew I wanted no part of it,” said North Creek High School (“NCHS”) student Luc Naldrett.
This was the case for many others, including NCHS student Griffin Thomas. “Personally, I really just didn’t want to put people like my grandma at risk. Or other people’s family at risk, because the way I think is: you can never know who is in what situation. Me and my parents just wanted to play it safe,” said Thomas. For Naldrett and Thomas, the decision was easy. Some students took the vaccine simply for the prospect of going back to the pre-pandemic world. “I don’t want to wear this (frickin’) mask anymore. I want people to get this thing so our lives can go back to normal,” said NCHS student Abe Woodward.
But not everyone had the same views on the vaccine. “It scares me a little, I feel pressured to do something, to take something that I have personally seen a bunch of different things from. My aunt got super sick and was in bed for a week. I’ve seen articles about people being seriously hurt from it. So for me it’s just scary because I don’t know what to expect,” said NCHS student Brady Goff.