It is commonplace for new students to seek out extracurricular activities, and they often discover the wonderful world of CTSOs, which stands for Career and Technical Student Organizations. One such CTSO often goes unnoticed, however; though it encompasses a field that people consider at least once in their life. HOSA is a CTSO that requires one to take Biotechnology to enter, and it teaches students how to succeed in the medicinal field by participating in a variety of events. “People should join HOSA if interested in the medical field…HOSA has even helped me realize I want to go into medicine!” said Anisha Saini, who went to HOSA State.
HOSA demonstrates to many the challenges and opportunities of the medical field, which is something that should be considered by many. While the date for registering for Biotechnology has passed, registering for Biotechnology next year can help new students join HOSA and discover their true potential and passions.