Photo from The Rings of Power TV Show
The Hobbit, the Lord of the Rings, and the Tolkien universe in general can truly be considered a masterpiece not only in the novel realm but in the cinematic lead as well. A now considerable amount of time after Tolkien’s passing a new series honoring his works has revived in quite a controversial upbringing.
Many fans find themselves taking on a disgruntled approach towards the new series Rings of Power, some finding it distasteful to continue Tolkien’s work without him and some finding themselves in quite the opposite position looking forward to continued Middle Earth lore.
The first thing one would notice while starting the Amazon series is the lack of homie feel once presented to you at the beginning of the previous films. The show truly radiates an almost prestige, mystical tone in which I find to be a perfect
match to the series main center point, Elves. I believe the different undertone of the series in contrast to the previous cinematic pieces also pushes the reiteration of a new setting outside of middle earth.
Although with the difficulty of executing this series along with the standards they were held to, the producers of the series truly did a fantastic job the show will still never pass Tolkien’s original work nor his creativity.
Overall I don’t think the series had anything specifically wrong with it other than at some times lack of true certain plot. The series itself was set up to fail considering its being compared to Tolkien’s own original work. Because of this I believe this not only sets viewers up to look at this as a continued disgrace but one that will never be worthy due to the lack of Tolkien himself. Most can argue any sequel will never truly match the first and not only are they trying to expand on Middle Earth they’re trying to do so without the mind of the creator. So due to no fault of their own I think the show was almost in a way set up to fail from the very beginning.
I would recommend this show to anyone with an open mind and eagerness for more. I would deter those who stay true to Tolkien himself and find any continuation of his works without him concerning. To enjoy the series you’d find yourself needing a willingness for new ideas as well as an open mind to new takes and changes.