Olene Ordonez
Superintendent Michael Tolley of the Northshore School District is set to conduct eight total “Listen and learn” sessions aimed at providing NSD families, students, and school board directors the opportunity to learn and converse about major district initiatives. A certain meeting was hosted on October 1st, 2024 at the Northshore Administrative Center, where participants had the opportunity to provide feedback on the highly debated topic of mobile devices in school.

Participants engaged in table group discussions, focused on the social and educational ramifications of mobile devices usage at the elementary, middle, and high school levels. Concerned parents expressed their worries regarding the effects on younger, impressionable students, highlighting issues such as phone-related harassment on school buses and the social stigma faced by those without phones. They also voiced concerns about the potential decline in social skills among children due to increased reliance on digital communication.

However, other attendees stated their opinion on the positive aspects of mobile devices at school. Many families emphasized the importance of having phones on campus for safety purposes, allowing them to maintain contact with their children. They also discussed the concept of phone spas—designated areas where students are required to store their phones during class—as a potential equity problem, in case of theft of personal belongings.

A task force dedicated to mobile devices has been proposed to explore and investigate potential solutions that could be implemented across the district, addressing all relevant concerns. Superintendent Tolley, along with other NSD staff members, was readily available to address questions and provide valuable insights throughout the session.